ÆPT is the result of instinctive curiosity or inquisitiveness reinforced with motivating (excitatory neural) messages 'siphoned off' from "implicit memories" in the form of CURSES incurred and accumulated from early on.
CURSES≅Conditioned-in, kept Unconscious, Repercussive State/s Effecting Symptoms
I use the same shortest-possible spelling of CURSES in both plural and singular. (Longer spellings are possible but might be overly spooky-looking.)
A genuine CURSES is 'put' by (is an automatically established post traumatic state caused by) an instinctively sensed (=sensed with no kind of prior learning required) circumstantial threat or combination of threats (but never, by definition, threats in the form of seasonally adverse ambient climatic conditions) — a threat whose corresponding (directly causally correlated) sensory output of excitatory action potentials would, if not synaptically automatically blocked, be destined to motivate a most definitely mal-adaptive "distress [pain/fear] type" response (a ditto "actention").
Threats that 'put' CURSES are threats that (in the phylogeny of us and other animals with neural actention selection serving ≈ brains) have in order to be adaptively survived required or "implored" (no less accEPTable as a synonym than "demanded") to be coped with by means of inhibitory functions that prevents these threats to be automatically instinctively actended (or paid/focused actention) to.
The inhibitory functions in question involve amongst else different endogenous opiate-like molecules that have become collectively referred as "opioids". The most widely known/reported about of these is named Endorphin. Anyhow the key inhibitory brain function molecules involves inhibitory neurotransmitters/modulators that block distress/pain/panic-motivating synaptic transmissions; And this function can act so specifically that it allows other (related or unrelated, painless or relatively pain-free) 'focuses of actention (performed by different actention modules an individual's ASSS) to be paid' (in 'the primary currency' of neurometabolic resources).
If an opiate such as heroin or morphine is administered in high enough dose (not much is needed) to an anthropic or other animal (non-human but one brainy or highly evolved enough), it renders the individual unconscious and suppresses its metabolism to such an extent the individual end up in a mortuary.
The most integrative concEPT
The somewhat heuristic/principle-like ÆPT notion that some of the most momentous pleiotropic mutations that occurred in our recent phylogeny (approximately from when our simian lineage started to separate from that of our currently closest evolutionary cousins, the chimpanzees) got to be pragmatically labeled "ambiadvantageous".
The portmanteau word is represented by the first A of the acronym EAVASIVE. It is meant to be a reference to any momentous (selective sweep causing) mutations that brought about new or enhanced environmental opportunity exploiting behaviors; behaviors that at the same time led to reinforcement of the inhibitory functions whereby CURSES are kept unconscious; a reinforcement by action potentials rerouted (due to neural sprouting and neurotrophic competition) from the excitatory core of CURSES.
Ambiadvantageous pleiotropic mutations brought about not only new or extrra opportuity exploiting behaviors and preoccupations (including language-function dependent such) but also capacity for attitudes and beliefs and a concomitant new or increased staunchness (even fanaticism).
Even though the cognitive and "skill-adding" changes that resulted from ambiadvantageous mutations include much more than our ability to communicate verbally our language functions are unique and formidable enough to deserve to be represented by the first V in the spelling of EAVASIVE.
How the origin of EAVASIVE is ÆPTly schematised
It is 'ÆPTly didactic' tactics to most generally consider that the totality of all evolutionary potentials —that is, what may be described as an evolutionary pressure totality—involves on one hand primary constructive energy patterning tendencies of "opportunity type" and secondary energy-matter pattern thrashing changes of "threat type".
Because an anthropic emphasis permeates these webpages, this schematising aspect of ÆPT tactics include, not least importantly, in our phylogeny naturally selective lifetime challenges of "Opportunity type" and not just any "Threat type" challenges but specifically SH imploring threats their automatically incurred/conditioned-in aftereffects, namely CURSES.
More about how and why "ambiadvantageous" was arrived at
As with all concEPTs, I indulged in ameliorating sem_antics (≈wordplay) when I contrived "ambiadvantageous". However, I did so as part of an attempt to build an as aptly derived, defining and allusive as possible set of acronymic 'tools' for assertively addressing and more completely recognising and grasping (and understanding) our more or less neurotically motivated, more or less adaptive, and more or less 'accEPTable' (i.e. acceptable from an ÆPT perspective) behaviors or preoccupations.
Our preoccupations or behaviors — from those most passive (mental or introvert) in character to those most active (whether they involve and manifest as crudely vigourous or delicate and sophisticated movements) — are ÆPTly referred to with the {self-}explanatory portmanteau term (word) "actentions".
Actentions that
1. are motivated or co-motivated by the rerouted ("siphoned off") output from the excitatory core of one or more CURSES, and
2. entail a function that serves to sequester and preserve one or more such "Conditioned-in kept Unconscious Reverberating State Effecting Symptoms, and
3. whether o not they amount to successful or unsuccessful deliberate or inadvertent attempts at more or less directly exploiting some environmentally present opportunity and therefore are (by ÆPT definition and labeling) "ambiadvantageous" in character,
are ÆPTly referred to with the acronym "EAVASIVE" (and, implicitly, with what it approximately and most pragmatically stands for).
More about EAVASIVE
The concEPT "EAVASIVE" covers symptoms of CURSES such as simple nervous (e.g. facial) ticks and more complex nervous Tourette's type ticks or obsessive compulsive simple behavioral routines, but it also covers symptoms of CURSES that manifest as humankind's wide range of more or less sophisticated human actentions — especially symptoms of our potent and elaborate "modern human" EAVASIVEness.
Apropos which:
It is ÆPT to recognize the high likelihood that the end of all archaic human lineages was significantly brought about thanks to a marginally more potent — not necessarily in every cases more technologically and culturally sophisticated — EAVASIVEness of the "modern" humans some individuals of which were to become the main ancestors of all currently alive humans.
Modern human vs Archaic human "EAVASIVEness"
Some "ÆPT thoughts" about how the EAVASIVEness of archaic humans may have differed enough from that of our main genetic modern human ancestors so that this difference would most likely have contributed to ending the lineages of the archaic humans is suggested here.
In short, it is my scientifically supported hunch that archaic humans were, for one, significantly more prone to succumb to depression and less functionally (less ambiadvantageously) manic than our main modern and main ancestors were.
However, different with modern humans contemporary archaic populations (during the time period when populations of archaic humans gradually disappeared) bred with members of small enough extended family groups of modern humans and contributed sufficiently adaptive traits so that some their genetic material still remains as a small but not insignificant portion (roughly from about 1% to 7% of the genomes of all non-African humans alive today).
Conventional quasi-alternatives to some concEPTs
In the case of the concEPT of "CURSES" there are a few approximately synonymous but more or less accEPTable, expressions that refer specifically to a kind of "implicit memories" are left behind by (conditioned-in as a consequence of) circumstantial threats that can not be coped with in an acutely or persistently distress-involving manner".
Or, in complementary (and under the surface slightly SEPTIC humored) words: CURSES are implicit memories left behind by 'prevailed over', on their own overly onerous, perils/predicaments or ordeals.
These approximately synonymous expressions are: "engrams" (used by members of a ruthlessly but in financial and legal/political ways shrewdly operated sect; "Pain (or primal pain)" — referred to thus by the late Arthur Janov and others who are involved with and appreciative the most in-depth (hence closest to deserve being described as 'in-dEPTh') Janov's self-regulation/psychotherapy-guiding theory of human psychophysiology; Lastly, "traumatic memories (or ditto imprints)".
The Freudian word "trauma" (used both in the sense of in "threats of traumatizing type" and "traumatic memories") has felt too tacky for me. That is, in my mind it has a meaning-muddling effect. It has because it is used as a key-word when referring to sensed circumstantial threats that traumatizes as well as when referring to post-traumatic memories left behind by such (traumatizing) threats.
I have therefore relieved myself of being conventionally compelled to use the word in either of these two different but related meanings/semantic contexts.
Coming clean about certain concEPTs
It goes without saying that I relieved myself not only by contriving CURSES but by also designing a distinctly different looking and distinctly enough differently meant logical companion-concept to CURSES. The concEPT in question is one that can be flexibly abbreviated as a distinKtly allusive (deservedly so — deserved by what it denotes) acronymic expression.
The result is that it is now possible to more clearly textually and verbally denote the difference between, on one hand, circumstantial threats that are genuine "SH imploring threats" (which may be abbreviated to e.g. "SHI threat/s" or to "threat/s of "SHI-type") and, on the other hand, CURSES (incurred from 'ended up under threats of SHI type").
To sum up: A CURSES is primarily insidious state (or accumulation of states) conditioned-in within a neural actention selections serving systems as a result of a for any reason ended up under threat of SHI type; And, a CURSES (or CURSES plural) is commonly also more or less adaptively coped with "ambiadvantageously" — or, to use an alterntative ÆPT words: coped with in uniquely human "EAVASIVE" ways.