Absolute Life Quality or ALQwholesomeness
The subjectivity snubbing definition of Absolute Life Quality includes that max ALQ (ALQwholesomeness) is a state that ideally exists within either a developing or mature brain if no "ALQ-holes" have come to exist in it.
There are two kinds of ideal prerequisites for an individual having "max ALQwholesomeness".
One of these ideal prerequisites is that a maximally ALQ-wholesome individual would never have been challenged by a for any reason ended up under threat that in order to be adaptively responded to required (or, synonymously, demanded or implored) that it be responded to with "Specific 'Hibernation' (SH).
The other kind of ideal prerequisite for a person having "max ALQwholesomeness" is that any genuine CURSES (by ÆPT defintion incurred from a circumstantial threat of SH ImploringI type) would ideally have to have been 'dispelled'.
Such an ideal, 'enirely dispelled', that is unrealistic, state is what would become established if all blocked and delayed responses of distress-type (what is at the core of CURSES) have been safely completed with a involvement of a highest level of non-EAVASIVEly self-regulatory consciousness.
Such a self-regulatory capability, is one that can in some cases be methodically made to become manifest, and that may or may not (?) be even more rarely spontaneously occurring, and that is perhaps uniquely available to us humans (given near enough optimally facilitating internal and external "settings" or sufficiently facilitating 'total situational' requirements).
By the way: If the meaning of EAVASIVE is cautiously pushed into the background, it becomes not altogether inEPT to with corresponding caution conclude that the result of an 'ideal dispelling' would be that all by CURSES (≈states of indefinitely postponed distress) directly caused somatic symptoms, and all by the same primarily insidious factor (CURSES) amplified or more or less decisively contributed-to problematic emotional and behavioral symptoms would cease; and, that CURSES would therefore no longer motivate or co-motivate acquired (learned) behaviors.
Such an 'ideally recovered person' would tbe freed from having CURSES as a unconscious source of constraint as well as of a source of primarily insidious motivation; and such an 'idealised individual' would then also be able to more appropriately evaluate and respond to challenges of opportunity type, as well as to threats, in its (hirs) "here and now".
The most systematic approach at 'cleaning away' CURSES (at trying as far as realistically possible to achieve a 'dispelled state') is provided by Primal Theory. However, no matter how thoroughly this systematic approach is described it requires enough of a commitment (and of course overall capacity) to allow the self-regulatory primal therapeutic process to unfold.
A 'CURSES dispelled' state (=significantly ALQwholesomeness improved state) can also be described by using words belonging to the meaning-muddling and 'with derogation flavored' Freudian terminology; namely, as a no longer or less neurotic (or, if the symptoms were more obviously unhinged,"psychotic") state.
Anyhow, an state of "max ALQ" would ideally exist in an individual brain if either all ALQ-holes 'filled in' or no ALQ-holes incurred as a consequence of it having never ended up under, never been challenged by (and survived), even a single circumstantial threats of "SH imploring type".