How modern human EAVASIVEness evolved
Momentous pleiotropic mutations [i.e. selective sweep starting mutations] that added to or tweaked at the time already existing brain and bodily functures are sure to have been involved in how we evolved into the kind of fauna that we folk now are.
All these momentous mutations played out their role by at first becoming fixed in context of their extended family group of origin. [In more ÆPTly chosen words: These important mutations were strongly selected for in their "sept" of origin.]
We are a species of animals that exist in sub-populations that vary greatly in respect of their output of visual and auditory Arts and products of Science (including technological advances).
Aside from these differences, all humans are on the whole still instinctively ready to behave either caringly and cooperatively or competitively and sometimes even murderously depending environmental (including social) preconditions and current circumstances.
It is ÆPT to recognize that it is apt to not just characterize us self-flatteringly but also as follows:
1. We are fiendish — e.g. we are clearly inclined to become triggered to behave viciously based on our tribal insitnct;
2. We are foolish — i.e. even the most intelligent of us can be foolish (e.g the brain of generally intelligent people more often than not stop them from becoming devotees to the ÆPT dogma and also from swallowing and digesting other concEPTs.
We are uniquely capable — and inclined — to deceive ourselves and others by means of our verbal or otherwise symbolizing (language-related) cognitive functions.
How 'EAVASIVE-making' mutations proved themselves adaptive:
At first, such "ambiadvantageous" (selective sweep causing) mutation does of course play out within the extended family group (local population) wherein it occurred.
Pioneers of such mutantations would have been able to do so by outsmarting, out-doing and out-impressing their sexual rivals and by being more attractive to potential mating partners by manifesting one or more impressive talent.
It is conceivable that a pioneer of a single ambiadvantageous mutation may have had a new and improved capacity (possible also an extra propensity) to make tools, or perhaps to make the first man-made fire, while he or she also impressed both potential mating partners and mating rivals (perhaps scared or confused rivals?) by audibly manifesting a brand new ability to verbalise.
The ÆPTly conceived or recognized character of "EAVASIVEness adding" ambiadvantageous mutations is that they in a our relatively recent phylogeny conferred an unprecedented adaptive ability by our ancestors, who pioneered them, to be practically and mentally preoccupied (actend) in some new ways.
These actentions would have resulted in that one or more environmentally present opportunity got exploited by siphoning off (rerouting) co-motivating signals from CURSES but the same actentions (the same new capabilities/talents or ways of paying/focusing actention) also generated inhibitory feedback that kept CURSES extra securely (adaptively) sequestered and prevented from generating maladaptive symptoms such as listlessness/debilitating depression or an out-off control state of circumstantially unprovoked fear.
It is ÆPT to keep in mind that a CURSES corresponds to an in the life of an individual ended up under SHI threat (e.g. a chronic lack of reassuring/loving touch and/or of facially communicated affectionate feelings); And that such a threat can only be coped with or adaptively survived (so not necessarily always individually survived) by an automatic neural blockage of the corresponding sensory-motivational messages that are by default destined to fire up a distress (or flight or fight) manifesting actention module.
Apropos which, the corresponding sensory motivational messages that became automatically blocked and forthwith kept from "being paid actention to" are thus also precluded from becoming consciousT — this both during the original SH imploring type threat (ditto predicament or ordeal) and also in most "post-SHI" (not to use the tacky expression "post-traumatic") circumstances.
Some of these "pioneers of our EAVASIVE traits" would surely also have impressed mating partners and mating rivals in rudimentary artistic ways; i.e. with skills that we now associate with "The Arts" — e.g. drumming/humming/singing, dancing, and sculpting/carving and painting (only much later with abstract symbolic or phonetic writing).
The fate of less EAVASIVE ('less modern') family groups of hominine individuals who happened to be neighbors to a by a momentous EAVASIVE mutation as if souped up sept (hence had one of our main common ancestral breeding pairs as members) were typically "sealed".
[Here the Scottish meaning of the word "sept" suited being put to ÆPT use as an efficient pointer to a small extended family group.]
In our relatively recent phylogeny, mutations that conferred an 'EAVASIVE edge' become fixed or resulted in an intra-tribal selective sweep by involving all possible ways that mating rivals could have competed with each other.
After such selective sweeps within septs had been completed did such momentous (EAVASIVEness conferring) mutations have further repercussions by way of successive, almost domino-effect-like', usurpings of distinctly less 'EAVASIVEly endowed' septs of (nonetheless relatively closely related) hominines or early humans.
Even though Neanderthals and Denisovans may conceivably have been more intelligent than with them contemporary main ancestors of ours, these archaic humans were nonetheless unable to cope with our main common male ancestors and their likewise EAVASIVEly enhanced 'brothers in arms'; This because our mail ancestors and their cohorts possessed an extra EAVASIVEness that provided them with a superior capacity to maintain a fanatically focused, fearless, merciless and more methodically murderous attitude toward their less modern/less EAVASIVEly endowed hominine/human neighbors.
In humankind's African cradle (both beneficially and brusquely rocked by an indifferent "Mother Nature") every additional momentous EAVASIVE mutation would have tended to spread to eventually lead to that "modern humans" make up its entire human population.
Approximately since the ancestral pair that we have in common with today's chimpanzees, our phylogeny has involved 'pleitropic' mutations (some but not all of which have been EAVSIVEness-conferring but have at least resulted in selection pressures that tended to select for EAVASIVE traits given that ditto mutations occurred) that have manifested as, for example:
1. An increasingly upright and well-balanced bipedalism 'paid for' by a concomitantly narrowed pelvis that made getting out from the womb into a guaranteed to be more or less traumatizing (SH imploring and because of pre-evolved neural functions SH-inducing) and CURSES incurring gauntlet.
Some of these momentous mutations may well have been pleiotropic in such a way that they caused babies to be born both extra early with bigger brains/craniums. However, long previously evolved endoopiate-releasing neural mechanisms and other relevant neural or neurohormonal functions came to the rescue —
neural functions that serve to prevent maladaptive distress by means of a release of endogenous opioids have existed since very early on in the evolution of animals.