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An ÆPTly recognized principle of prioritized naturally selective preservation of "ambiadvantageous" mutations" is behind how we "folk" became the by far most potently EAVASIVE species of fauna and thereby also an exceptionally potent threat to ourselves as well as to most other mammals. 

Circumstantial challenges/selection pressures of Opportunity (O) type have very commonly naturally selected ('exerted' environmental O-type evolutionary pressures) in combination with not just any threats but with examples of a subcategory of circumstantial threat type challanges (selection pressures) that can be aptly described as Specific Hibernation imploring threats (or or threats SHI type). Moreover, an even more instructive of the ÆPTly highlighted principle and its uniquely explanatory (although complementary) relevance—a relevance ranging from this principle's anthropogeny explaining pertinence, to that it allows an exceptional philosophical take on current and historical human affairs—can be efficiently represented (ÆPTly so) by a 'concEPT containing' statement such as for example:


"Ambiadvantageous{ly adaptive} mutations/traits allowed the primarily insidiously threatening aftermath of survived SHI threats—an aftermath automatically conditioned-in and left behind within brains or neural actention selection serving systems that for any reason end up under a threat of SHI type; such an essentially dynamic and excitatory aftermath has since way back in the phylogeny of fauna been kept sequestered with a post-synaptic SH state as a side effect. This "sequestering" is most directly achieved by neural "gating" (inhibitory input most well known to involve GABAergic and opioidergic interneurons). The excitatory SHI threat representing messages involved would otherwise as if "by default" (i.e. without such "gating") be destined to drive a distress-type response (a ditto actention).


This kind of aftermath within brains or actentions selection serving systems (maximally ÆPTly abbreviated to AS) is ÆPTly referred to as CURSES.

(CURSES is the shortest possible acronymic version of this concEPT. Its aptly allusive spelling is kept the same in singular as in plural.)

It is this particular (CURSES-involving) combination of lifetime challenges of Opportunity type and Threat type (ditto evolutionary pressures) that can be interpreted as a for a long time in the phylogeny of fauna latent sub-principle of (or sub heuristic to) Natural Selection.


This sub-principle infers that natural selection prioritizes the persistence of ambiadvantageous[ly adaptive] mutations and of the phenotypes/units of reproduction (~individuals and closely related groups of individuals) that carry and "functurally express" them.

From the ÆPT perspective it appears that this principle have become by far most exceptionally realized in the recent phylogeny of us bipedal and highly dextrous fauna who became capable of calling ourselves "folk".

The concEPT of ambiadvantageous[ly adaptive] mutations refers to mutations that have provided individuals who pioneered them (and their descendants who inherited them) with a new or increased capacity not just to survive acutely impacting SHI-type challenges and to cope with their aftermath in the form of CURSES in ways whereby more or less directly procreation promoting opportunities can be and often enough are or have been taken or exploited. 

That is, an individual's synaptic 'sequestration' of excitatory (sensory-motivational) messages prompted by one or more ended up under currently circumstantial threat of SHI-type (neural messages that would otherwise be relayed to fuel a maladaptive response of distress-type) will in most subsequent ('post SHIT' or "post traumatic") situations continue to be required partly as a consequence of the "conditioned-in" (and primarily insidious) aftermath of such challenges. Namely CURSES.

All neural animals (or at least those with a semblance of a brain) have some rudimentary ambiadvantageous function built-in; That is, they tend to be able to remain selectively unconscious of (to not pay actention to) many an intractable (or unavoidable or inescapable) threat of SHI type while they continue to "actend to" (seek and try to exploit) opportunity-type factors in their environment. 

This basic meaning can (and suits) be seen to be a concEPT for an aspect of a most general evolved capacity of complex neural animals. That is, a capacity to in respect of all in parallel sensory detected and registered circumstantial/situational factors/influences — including insignificant ones — filter out or synaptically block sensory messages that would tend to (would most likely) cause a maladaptive response if allowed to be relayed within their ASSS

However, the special meaning of this ÆPT portmanteau term (~ambiadvantageous) does also refer to mutations that for the first time and near enough exclusively in the phylogeny of humans (and approximately since our ancestors became perfectly balanced exponents of bipedalism) enabled an on the whole adaptive rerouting of excitatory messages generated by the "implicit memories" at the core of CURSES toward providing a co-motivating contribution to Opportunity exploiting EAVASIVE [i.e. ≥ adaptively neurotic) pursuits/preoccupations/behaviors or (ditto) actentions.

The most compact possible ÆPT way of denoting how our human lineage did, as a matter of an evolutionary principle, turn out to manifest a uniquely versatile, elaborate and exceptionally powerful, type of hitherto adaptive neuroticism might be:


"Opportunity type challenges/evolutionary pressures ∩ SHI-type threats come CURSES → EAVASIVE (≥neuroticism)"  

In other words: An incomparable varied and potent EAVASIVEness is the hallmark of humankind.

For want of a better (more apt) name, the corresponding principle in the phylogeny of fauna might be called: The Principle of Natural Selectively prioritized preservation of ambiadvantageous[ly adaptive] mutations/geno-phenotypes.🤔 

This, for a long time in the phylogeny of fauna latent, potential and principle [sub-principle or sub heuristic of Natural Selection] has naturally prioritized the preservation of ambiadvantageous mutation to such an extent, done so in the recent phylogeny of us folk, that we humans are well characterized — excEPT perhaps too kindly so🤔  — with the concEPT EAVASIVE.

It might be worth stressing and asserting (using larger fonts🤓) that this ÆPTly discovered (or recognized) sub heuristic or sub principle (relative to Darwin's) explains the exceptionally great capacity of us humans to be adaptively neurotic ≈ EAVASIVE.

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