Alternative Homepage/Intro to Memes4MakingAmends
What is sorely absent, and sadly likely to remain so, in human affairs is a 'sticky' (memetic) concept with a science-aligned definition so compelling that it gets to be used as a guide and gauge of realpolitik.
Such a most likely never to be used concept might lurk in obscurity on the Internet in the form of the subjectivity snubbing and 'quantification encouraging' concept/definition of "Absolute Life Quality" (ALQ) or "ALQwholesomeness".
"ALQwholesomeness" is accompanied by a complementary armoury of just a few complementary concepts that are likewise warranted thanks to by science established principles that inform cogently.
Altogether, these concepts amount to a terminology that is the backbone of what can be described as, amongst else, an (almost) effectively philosophy terminating and atheistic enlightenment promoting (or projectimg and preserving) textual 'package'.
It is also apt to describe the package as an altruism entailing philosophical take on what is going on, but only because it includes the concept/definition of ALQwholesomeness.
However, the package also includes a few supplementary ingredients; some of which are philosophy finishing; other ingredients have mainly been philosophising facilitating.
This 'package' and for good measure also how it got assembled is facetiously referred to as—and flagged with—"ÆPT".
"ÆPT" is a spelling-space saving version of the less fancy-looking acronym AEPT.
"ÆPT" is both flexibly spelt and flexibly raised—sometimes as a word-meaning modifier or qualifier.
For example: While "ÆPT" can be aptly derived from many a sequence of 4 words, all derivations to "ÆPT" from derogatory (or irrelevant) word-strings are 'unaccEPTable'. And, any portmanteau word or any acronym that is more or less exclusively part of the 'ÆPT terminology' are sometimes conveniently referred to as concEPTs.
Of the concEPTs contrived to be expressed as acronyms, three are mirth-inviting in a more or less distinctly "septic humored" way.
The septic humored allusiveness of the 'fully abbreviated (acronymic) version of "SH imploring threats" (by ÆPT definition exclusively circumstantial such) is entirely appropriate; in this case 'distinKtly’ deserved by the kind of environmentally imposed or for any reason ended up under threats (most immediately milieu caused predicaments or overly onerous ordeals that it refers to.
In contrast, "RAT neurons" is a concEPT whose septic humored acronymic allusiveness is completely inept and justified purely for the fun it offers.
Nonetheless, "RAT-neurons" seriously refers to "Reticular Activating Type" neurons—a functural aspect of brains that contributes to how "consciousness" (levels, modes, and contents of actentions) is ÆPTly understood.
The likewise septic humoured ÆPT alternative to the word "brain" is "actention selection serving system" (ASSS).
ASSS has been pragmatically truncated to serve right in the middle of the most integrative and demanding of the aptly allusive acronymic concEPTs, namely "EAVASIVE".
An ASSS is by its ÆPT definition biological and neural; and it does at the very least consists of the functures that enable the tiny repertoir of behaviors (just a few mutually exclusive actention) that an individual amoebic (single celled) animal is capable of manifesting. Moreover, an ASSS is not necessarily "central" since the concEPT is meant to also encompass certain highly evolved invertebrate animals: see
Of the 3 concEPTs that are of portmanteau type, actention and functure are near enough self-explanatory.
"Functure" might be a slightly superfluously contrived concEPT, wheras "actention" is a more important component of ÆPT.
The remaining portmanteau type concEPT, namely "ambiadvantageous", is not self-explanatory even though it approximately encodes/points to a simple 'sub heuristic' relative to Darwin's heuristic.
This ÆPT (sub) heuristic can be explained/stated as follows:
“Ambiadvantageous” mutations (typically pleiotropic such) have in our recent phylogeny (our anthropogeny) conferred a new or greater (or at least not a deteriorated) CURSES-handling capacity while also a new or greater capacity to exploit opporunity type challenges (or ditto potentials) presented by (or present in) our EAVASIVEness pioneering (thusly mutant) ancestors' environment.
Our early hominin or human ancestors who pioneered these not too numerous momentous (rapidly selective sweep causing) ambiadvantageous mutations would of course have have manifested a phenotype with a strong competitive edge in the mating game.
That is, “sexual selection” was the initial phase of how these momentous ambiadvantageous mutations got naturally selected by intra-species competition within the extended family group into which these pioneers of ambiadvantageousness were born.
These momentously ambiadvantageous pleiotropic mutations soon became "fixed" in (or 'a phenotyping fixture of') the small and local population (extended family group) of their origin.
However, although the competitive advantage of these ambiadvantageous mutations initially played out and became fixed within their family group of origin they would subsequently have resulted in something akin to a domino-effect like usurpings of (manifested as successful murderous raids on) neighbouring hominin family groups—the individuals of which exemplified geno/phenotypes 'evolved to a less ambiadvantageous extent’ (hence were less far along the evolutionary path to “EAVASIVEness”).
Very approximately estimated, the first of these our EAVASIVEness pioneering (and selective sweep starting hominid ancestors—most likely mainly males) would have been given birth to well after our human lineage had already evolved to being represented by individuals who while their brains were still small (chimp-sized) manifested a physio-anatomy for a well balanced bipedal posture and gait that was also fit for running and for efficient throwing/wielding of both defensive and offensive weapons (no more fancy than stones and sticks).
As our common ancestors became increasingly EAVASIVE, almost surely together with or not long after their brain volume had started to increase, what was a both pre-evolved and co--evolved requirement was a hormonal/neurohormonal capacity to survive being born (and to give birth) through a pelvic region adapted to permanent and well balanced bipedalism.
[It might be worth mentioning, in passing, is that all our ancestors did obviously manage to stay alive long enough to procreate (or were alert and lucky enough to not fall prey, drown, etcetera).]
The competition specific to “sexual selection” is easily imagined. That is, the outcome of the competition between mating rivals (what "sexual selection" mainly refers to) is rather easy to imagine and give realistic examples of, so I won’t spend much time on providing examples here. However, traits that simulataneously impressed and attracted potential maitng partners and daunted mating rivals would have been involved.
Anthropogeny (humankind’s evolution) involved a selective advantage 'enjoyed' by EAVASIVEness expressing individuals. Or, more specifically, natural selection did (did as a matter of a sub heuristic relative to Darwin’s heuristic) prioritise EAVASIVEness.
After the initial “fixing” of the ambiadvantageous mutations in our recent phylogeny—a fixing by way of sexual selection within their extended family group of origin—what typically tended to follow was usurpations coupled with the occasional bride stealing of less ambiadvantageously endowed (less EAVASIVE) neighbouring extended family groups of human (or hominids)—not denying the possibility of nicer-to-imagine romantic rendez-vous between relatively archaic and relatively modern humans (or hominids).
Of all possible sensory detected threats, "an ÆPT emphasis" is placed on threats of “SH imploring” type, and on their insidious conditioned-in aftermath, namely CURSES.
What "SH" stands for, and how it is meant to be understood, is explained here.
As with all threats that 'demand to be coped with', they will either by succumbed to or coped with and adaptively survived individually or "group selectively" (i.e. sometimes by way of a self-sacrificing response).
What is also implied by "ambiadvantageous" is the recognition that in the course of the phylogeny of fauna mutations (new geno/phenotypes) have to a significant extent been 'naturally sifted' by lifetime challenge of opportunity type and threat type that have impacted largely simultaneously.
However, again, in the context of ÆPT, CURSES (the aftermath of survived SH imploring threats) are of extra explanatory importance.
"Ambiadvantageous" got contrived in the fraught effort to concEPTualise "EAVASIVE".
EAVASIVE is the most integrative and demanding of the acronymic concEPTs.
It may require a by Werner Heisenberg as if heralded "Tolerance Principled" intellectual attitude in order to cope with that EAVASIVE is derived from a defining statement with an unavoidably built-in semantic dissonance.
How "ambiadvantageous" plays its acronym-building and 'EAVASIVEness co-defining' role is revealed in that EAVASIVE is derived from “Evolved Ambiadvantageous[ly adaptive pleiotropic and selective sweep causing mutations pioneered exclusively by common ancestors of us humans—not of other apes or simians, nor of any other fauna] Verbal Actention Selection [Serving Systems] Incorporating Various Endorphins”.
"Endorphins" (is a generic label) are neurotransmitters/modulators with a widely reported about function that is very instructive of the meaning of EAVASIVE(ness).
"Actention" is an amalgam of attention and action (or activity), and it refers to anything from mainly mental preoccupations (e.g. mathematical or philosophical such) to mainly physical preoccupations/behaviours (e.g. different sporting activities). Even a behaviour as brief and reflexive as a so called “orienting reflex” can be ÆPTly classified as an "actention".
[By the way, what is ÆPTly meant by “science” is a knowledge, know-how and technology accumulating 'process' or 'trend' that is manifested to a unique and exceptional extent/magnitude by us humans because of our language functions in combination with our earlier evolved cognitive, dextrous and bipedal traits.
It is ÆPT to recognize that the evolvability of this universe might (just perhaps) cause a biological evolutionary lineage to stop lengthening, but not before it gives rise to a non-biological off-shoot that replaces it.🤔
Just for fun, I claim that since ÆPT is marketed conspicuously on the Internet by a Fairyland registered information and insight disseminating, and provocative opinions outputting, agency/think tank; one suitably referred to as ÆIMC Internetional Ptd. Lty..😉
Moreover, because of the claim that ÆIMC is an agency/think tank aligned with by Science established “pointers” (or principles) that inform cogently”, and because the ÆPT perspective or outlook on what is going on is the result of a notably "MAD"-inspired endeavor and is also naturally off-putting to all but the most recEPTive of intercEPTees, it is apt to describe ÆIMC as a 'SEPTIC think tank'.🥴
ÆPT offers a potently truth-pinning (while pert in parts) explanation of what is going on—does so not least in that it explains, exposes, and may ideally be used for shaming inept (≈destructively neurotic) individuals in powerful society-shaping positions.
This 'shaming aim' is a less lofty than is the (in ÆPT inbuilt) aim to make the concept/definition of Absolute Life Quality a catalyst and universal guide (and a versatile measuring rod) policy-makers to improve (or elevate) ALQwholesomeness as generally as realistically (if at all) possible.
If nothing else, it can be nice to imagine that if used as a versatile measuring rod, ALQ (and its hardnosed and subjectivity snubbing definition) might be able to serve as a rod to the back of inEPT politicians/experts and bureaucrats, or used as a means by which to crush "cultural relativism’.
Luckily, there is a silver lining to the sadly low likelihood that the concept of ALQwholesomeness ever get to be impactfully implemented. Namely, it appears as if ALQ was conceived in a squeaky clean spirit of "antiseptic humour" that it lends itself to be assertively expressed as the mirth-inviting slogan/motto, "ALQholism is the best ism!!"
The motto is daft looking, but under its silly surface it refers to a serious and in-depth awareness, relevant knowledge, understanding and attitude.
ÆPT also resulted from a persistent (and automatic) use of Mother Nature's one and only method; namely the (by Charles Darwin gleaned) method of 'abundant error plagued trialing'.
While not all concEPTual components of ÆPT are expressed as acronyms those that are reflect their "MAD"-inspired origin. That is, the acronymic concEPTs are the result of not always successful attempts to emulate the apt allusiveness of the famous "arms race shaming" acronym for "Mutual(ly) Assured Destruction".
What follows are some examples of some not already exemplified apt descriptions of ÆPT (of course only accEPTable such) from which the facetiously waved "ÆPT" flag can be derived.
"ÆPT" can be a flag for a mainly (but not only) 'anthropocentric evolutionary psychophysiology type' understanding.
However, ÆPT is best of all suited to be characterized as "an extended Primal Theoretical" understanding.
["Primal Theory" is a corrected and refined 'descendant' of Sigmund Freud's theory. It is found in books authored mainly by the late Arthur Janov; especially, as far as I'm concerned, the book "Primal Man, The New Consciousness", co-authored by the late? E. Michael Holden.]
Of all the concEPTs (insight facilitating lingual lenses cut and polished with naturally imperfect precision), "ALQwholesomeness" is the only one that justIfies deriving "ÆPT" from something like an "*altruism entailing* politically targetable platform-terminology on which to understand what is going on; do so with unusually strong, while also entertainment providing, traction.
IMoreover, ÆPT can be seen as the result of mainly but not only anthropogeny emphasizing philosophical tinkering, and it can also be accEPTably described as (and derived from) an atheistic enlightenment preserving (or projecting) textualized take (or grasp) on what is going on.
Apropos which: ÆPT does also include a very simple fundamental 'physics oriented outlook' on Ultimate Reality (UR) and a likewise simple take on the notion of "consciousness" (a notion normally less than ÆPTly understood).
The very simple ÆPT perspective on UR (in near enough normal English) is partly warranted by string/M-theory—the only TOE-like mathematical framework in fundamental physics.
A really facetious (temeritously cheeky) claim about ÆPT is that the peripheral inclusion of a by mathematics and string/M-theory inspired and underpinned take on UR into ÆPT makes it logically legitimate to insinuate (and have fun doing so) that ÆPT is a FOOT-hold on what is going on.
(FOOT as in a 'foremost overview of truth'.👽)
Back to ALQwholesomeness!
ALQwholesomeness is a concEPT that is referring to an aspect of our neuropsychophyisiology that is sufficiently amenable to be assessed or measured as to its degree; perhaps it is already even possible to directly measure the degree of ALQ-holes in individual brains (or Actention Selection Serving Systems—a concEPT maximally truncated to "AS" in order to fit more perfectly right in the middle of EAVASIVE). The less ALQ-holes in a brain the higher the brainy individual's ALQwholesomeness.
We are of course not the only brainy fauna with naturally varied degrees of ALQwholesomeness. And, we are not the only species the individuals of which are commonly incurring CURSES.
A CURSES is incurred from a circumstantial threat of "specific 'hibernation' (SH) imploring" type.
CURSES are internal neural states consisting of originally blocked and adaptively postponed, but also in most subsequent lifetime circumstances delayed, distress.
CURSES are caused, not only in human lives, by predicaments or ordeals of "SH imploring" type that in order to me adaptively survived require (or "demand"="implore") that a distress-type response is indefinitely postponed. And such circumstantial threats have throughout the phylogeny of fauna tended to naturally select for ASSSs with corresponding (distress blocking and indefinitely delaying) functures.
"CURSES" is an/the ÆPT alternative to:
"Engram/s"—an overly euphemistic concept in use among members of a loopy but shrewdly established (as a tax-excempt church) sect-like organisation;
"Primal pain" (an easily too poignant concept that is part of the jargon found in books by Arthur Janov);
"Traumatic memory"—an example of the tacky (meaning muddling and misleading) but by far most commonly in use Freudian terminology.
"CURSES" is the shortest possible spelling-version (longer once may be needlessly spooky looking) of this acronymic concEPT.
And, CURSES is meant to be seen as derived (abbreviated or eclectically 'extracted') from the following word-sequence:
commonly Conditioned-in, commonly kept chronically Unconscious, Reverberative spiking States, Effecting ("EAVASIVE", emotional & somatic) Symptoms.
[Just as a reminder: EAVASIVE ≈ "Evolved Ambiadvantageous{ly adaptive} Verbal Actention {selection serving} System ...".]
I reperat: All brainy enough animals incur a CURSES when ending up under a threat of SHI type.
However, WE ARE THE ONLY animal species that (the individuals of which) handle CURSES EAVASIVEly or do so to the exceptionally varied extent that we do.
What our EAVASIVE "handling" of CURSES involves is that action potentials, sent by SHIT detecting sensory-motivational neurons at the core of any CURSES, are as if 'siphoned off' and provide a sub/unconscious source of motivation or co-motivation for "EAVASIVE actentions".
This 'siphoning' is a consequence of conditioning/learning and neural sprouting combined with a somewhat probabilistic and redundant neural wiring during brain development.
Moreover, what kinds of EAVASIVE symptoms are possible and manifested also depends on genetically determined functural proximities within our ASSSs (modular neural Actention Selection Serving Systems).
EAVASIVEness ≥ neuroticism; and it is roughly equal to altruistic neuroticism and self-centered neuroticism.
Narcissism = self-centered neuroticism.
EAVASIVE refers to how we humans handle CURSES.
EAVASIVE actentions ≥ in our recent evolutionary history on the whole adaptive (or opportunity exploiting and lineage-lengthening while safely enough CURSES containing) ambiadvantageous behaviors; but of course also in many cases horrifically antisocial and gruesomely destructive, hence in a negative/derogatory sense neurotic, behaviors.
Leaving aside somatic and purely emotional symptoms (of CURSES), EAVASIVE symptoms include (by CURSES co-motivated) attitudes, beliefs, and from mainly physical to mainly intellectual pursuits or preoccupations.
In highly talaneted (one way or another) people their EAVASIVEness can result in great socioeconomic rewards.
Our EAVASIVE (non-psychotic) actentions (ditto behaviors) do at the very least prevent a perilously overloading onslaught of distress-motivating excitatory neural messages; a neural signalling with a charge value corresponding to usually more than one predicament or ordeal of SHI type that caused a corresponding CURSES to be left behind and accumulate in the brain (ASSS).
Our evoloution, and that of all fauna, basically equipped us to automatically select what to pay actention to. Especially (or to a uniqeuly great extent) we humans evolved to handle CURSES not merely by inhibitory neural functions that automatically block neural messages destined to drive maladaptive distress, but also by rerouting some of these excitatory messages to drive or co-motivate opportunity taking activities.
The ÆPT interpretation of "selective attention" is as follows:
Within our developmentally and otherwise readied individual neural Actention Selection Serving Systems' repertoir of incompatible "actention modules", there is an ingoing competition, by means of mutual intermodular inhibition, that allows some actention modules to become temporarily dominant (to hold the winner's trophy temporarily) and get primarily neurometabolically 'paid' (invested in) and to become more or less intensely 'focused' while others actention modules remain merely potentially paid, possibly simply by lacking sensorially supplied motivation or by being continuously outcompted by actention modules responding to one demanding environmental challenge after the other.
This 'competition' between incompatible actention modules is no less ÆPT seen as 'cheered on' or 'booed' by an 'audience' that can be thought to consist of current, of conditioned-in past, and via epigenetic imprinting weighing in, milieu factors/influences.
Manifestations of our "EAVASIVE human ways" include our exceptionally varied Arts and Crafts, and our (absolutely unique) scientific and technological achievements.
Ironically, all ÆPTly (concEPTually) cemented truths about what is going on have emanated from an animal species the individuals of which have a capacity to call themselves "folk" and are conceited enough to have labelled themselves (ourselves) "homo sapiens sapiens".